Dr. Luciano Retana,

As a leading dental surgeon and Implant Dentistry Specialist, has had the opportunity to work with some of the most renowned dental clinics in Costa Rica, who have recognized him for his great knowledge on the subject and his high level of results. 

He has earned the recognition of many patients, both domestic and foreign, who testify the excellence of his services and the professionalism and friendliness of his entire staff. This has allowed Dr. Luciano to perform his practice in five of the major dental specialty clinics in the country, all equipped with the latest technological advances within the dental industry worldwide.

Committed to providing the best care and the most reliable and innovative service, we offer the latest techniques, treatments and research in dentistry. Thanks to the preparation, experience, quality and continuous improvement, of Dr. Luciano and his staff, we guarantee that the process to smile again will be a safe and enjoyable experience. 

Contact us today and give yourself the opportunity to enjoy life again with your loved ones!